Early Childhood Forum

ECF - at the heart of Early Years from birth to 7 years
Inform ~ Advocate ~ Campaign


About ECF

The Early Childhood Forum is the national coalition of around 40 professional associations, voluntary organisations and other membership groups united in their concern about the health, well-being, learning and development of young children from birth to seven.

Formed in 1988 by Dame Gillian Pugh who then at the National Children’s Bureau, its purpose is to bring together the Early Childhood Sector for high level debate and discussion and to collectively influence policy and practice based on current thinking and evidence of best practice nationally and internationally.

It is uniquely placed to bring together this diverse sector, to promote inclusion, challenge inequalities, debate issues, celebrate differences and develop consensus and to champion high quality experiences for young children and their families.


ECF Data Protection and Privacy Policy

History of ECF

A Charter for Early Childhood

Membership Application Form

ECF Policy Agenda

ECF Early Childhood Forum