Early Childhood Forum

ECF - at the heart of Early Years from birth to 7 years
Inform ~ Advocate ~ Campaign



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The Early Childhood Forum (ECF), brings together national organisations and professional associations in the early childhood sector for all young children from birth to seven. ECF exists to promote inclusion, challenge inequalities, debate issues, celebrate differences and develop consensus to champion high quality experiences for young children and their families.

News & Events

Take Me Out Project


ECF member Learning through Landscapes recommends the Erasmus-funded project Take Me Out. Visit www.takemeoutproject.eu for a wealth of resources and information.

Phonics Screening Test

Professor Margaret Clark OBE has written a paper on the intended and unintended effects of the Phonics Screening Test in the EY classroom (England) in the Education Journal 349.

Professor Clark has had two further articles published in the Education Journal (nos. 351 and 352) where HMG's evidence supporting its phonics screening is found severely wanting...

Download: EJ349_Phonics_Screening.pdf

Proposed Changes to the ELG - ECF Response


It is astonishing that the Government has decided not to increase the number of Early Years graduate teachers . Currently 16,000 more are needed.

The  Early years are the most important  in a child's life and the quality of provision is dependant on highly qualified and experienced practitioners and in particular teachers. Government Investment in the Early Childhood is essential to ensure that every child has the best chance in life and also saves money later; early support for families and high quality education and care helps develop resilience and confidence for both parents and children.

The Early Childhood Forum is also shocked at the proposed changes to the Early Learning Goals giving more focus on literacy and numeracy when we know this is contrary to best practice  and will have adverse effects on children’s mental health and ability to learn successfully. The continuous testing  and proposals for baseline assessment have similar affects. 

Excellent and appropriate Early Childhood provision should  continue until the age of 7 as in most other countries.

We urge and expect the Government to think again about their Early Childhood policies which are in not in any  respect in the interests of children.

Melian Mansfield

Chair of ECF

ECF Early Childhood Forum