The Early Childhood Forum (ECF), brings together national organisations and professional associations in the early childhood sector for all young children from birth to seven. ECF exists to promote inclusion, challenge inequalities, debate issues, celebrate differences and develop consensus to champion high quality experiences for young children and their families.
News & Events
Stop Start - The Sutton Trust
The latest research for the Trust from Prof Kathy Silva, Prof Pam Sammons andd their team at the University of Oxford analyses the decline, adaption and struggle of Sure Start children's centres across England. This was the subject of the talk given by George and Teresa Smith at the June meeting of ECF.
George and Teresa Smith's Sure Start presentation
The pdf version of the Powerpoint Sure Start presentation given by the Smiths on 8 June is available by clicking this link:
Download: SSCCEarlyYearsForumJune2018.pdf
Privacy Policy ( GDPR)
ECF's Privacy Policy has been revised and can be found on the website under About ECF as well as by clicking the link here:
Download: ECF_Data_Protection_Notice_14.05.18.docx
Baseline blog
From Dr Pam Jarvis:
Following Damian Hinds’ speech about going ahead with ‘those changes already announced and making their way through the system’ remaining the policy of the DFE, I posted this on my blog, making the point that children are not in statutory education in the first term of reception, and it therefore being parental choice whether or not they take the Baseline test. I thought it keeps up the pressure! You are all very welcome to tweet and facebook: