Early Childhood Forum

ECF - at the heart of Early Years from birth to 7 years
Inform ~ Advocate ~ Campaign



If you would like to find out how to become a member please go to our membership information page.

Contact us

If you would like to contact ECF please email your enquiry to: earlychildhoodforum@yahoo.co.uk


The Early Childhood Forum (ECF), brings together national organisations and professional associations in the early childhood sector for all young children from birth to seven. ECF exists to promote inclusion, challenge inequalities, debate issues, celebrate differences and develop consensus to champion high quality experiences for young children and their families.

News & Events

Foundation Years Updates


The Department for Education has published two updated guidance documents for the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS).

EYFS Profile 2024 handbook

The EYFS Profile is an important statutory assessment of children's development at the end of the EYFS. We have published the updated EYFS Profile 2024 handbook to support teachers and early years practitioners to complete the EYFS Profile assessment in the 2023/24 academic year in line with statutory requirements.

The EYFS Profile must be completed for each child and submitted to the local authority no later than 30 June 2024. Local authorities must submit EYFS Profile data to DfE by 31 July 2024.

EYFS guidance on exemptions

We have also updated the EYFS guidance on exemptions for early years providers and individual children. The updated guidance simplifies, streamlines and clarifies the previous guidance, making it easier to follow and implement. There have been no changes to the EYFS exemptions policy or processes.

Copy, paste and follow this link:


Early Years and Childcare Expansion

Early Years and Childcare expansion: Key updates from Susie Owen, DfE Director of Early Years, Childcare, Families and Analysis

Spring Budget
In the 2023 Spring Budget, the Government announced significant new investments to expand the early education entitlements from 2024-25, together with funding uplifts in 2023-24 and 2024-25 for the existing entitlement offers. This expansion was designed to support more working families to access high-quality, affordable early education and childcare. The full package of reforms to childcare announced at spring budget can be found on GOV.UK. HMG is committed to working closely with the sector to deliver these reforms, and keep you updated on progress.

ECF does Twitter


ECF has renewed its social media links for the benefit of members and other EY professionals. The new Twitter handle is:


Membership Fees

New Members

To apply for membership, please go to the About ECF section for the application form.

Corporate Membership is £60 per year and Individual Membership £20 per year.

ECF Early Childhood Forum